Heroic Minds
2nd December 2022
I Never Left
Imagine being a race car driver. You’re in the driver’s seat, and thousands of people are cheering from the sidelines. The pressure to win is on. “I have to conquer this race,” you think while speeding along.
You zoom past several cars and take the lead. You are on top of the world as elation pulses through your veins. Distracted by excitement, you let your guard down and expect an easy win — after all, you’re way ahead of the others.
Suddenly, the unexpected happens. Another racer has cut you off. You panic and veer to the side, causing your tire to blow. Your mood spirals as you watch the pit crew scramble to help. Other racers speed past and your heart sinks, and you say, “I’m never going to win. What's the point of carrying on?”
You’re back on the racetrack but can’t stop reflecting on how you have failed already. Consumed by your setback, you remain distracted by negativity. You wonder if throwing in the towel is a good idea before the race is over. You have given up!
For a moment, let's ponder this defeatist mindset. It's natural to get bogged down by emotions, especially when it concerns achieving a goal. But if every single person would quit when bumps in the road blocked them from reaching their goals, nothing would ever get accomplished!